Empower Youth Rally | May 17-18, 2024| Portsmouth NH
Empowered | Awakened
Come and see what God will do. Last year was an amazing experience. We gave the youth the charge to LEAD NOW! We reminded them that the POWER of the Holy Spirit was with them and that He would supply them with the strength to stand strong and follow Him. Start your summer with JESUS!
This year we are going to be pressing in to His presence once again while we learn about the necessity of a Spirit filled life. Without God we have no chance of standing firm on His truth in this crooked and twisted generation. The time to find God is NOW! The time to follow God is NOW! Come and see what God will do!
Friday Night 6pm - 10pm Free Worship Night | Saturday All Day 8am - 5pm Registration Below
This year we are going to be pressing in to His presence once again while we learn about the necessity of a Spirit filled life. Without God we have no chance of standing firm on His truth in this crooked and twisted generation. The time to find God is NOW! The time to follow God is NOW! Come and see what God will do!
Friday Night 6pm - 10pm Free Worship Night | Saturday All Day 8am - 5pm Registration Below

^^^Empower Youth Rally 2023^^^

Meet Your Hosts:
Dillon and Lydia Kendall serve as the Youth Pastors of Connect Community Church here in Portsmouth. They both feel called to equip this generation with the tools and skills they need to follow after Christ with everything they've got!
Breakout Session Speakers

Travis Nichelson
AG District Youth Director
Northern New England

David Hodgkins
Church Alive
Portsmouth, NH

Brian Chicoine
L!FE Church
Manchester, NH

Chad Lynn
Connect Community Church
Portsmouth, NH

Rory Comtois
Connect Community Church
POrtsmouth, NH

Mike Trembley
New Life Church
Raymiond, NH

Kevin Jurovaty
Shiloh Community Church
Manchester, NH

Josiah Armstrong
Crossing LIfe Church
Windham, NH
Registration is easy but we do require some information for safety's sake! We require individual registrations from all students as well as youth pastors and leaders. The first step will likely be for the youth pastor to register their group and their leaders. Then the youth pastors can lead their students to register individually on this page.
Payment and registration are completed separately. Once registered please make your payment by pressing the button below and picking "Empower Youth Rally 2024" from the drop down menu.
Youth Pastors: FREE*
Youth Leaders: $10*
Youth (ages 12-18):
$25 (Before April 15)
$30 (April 15 - May 16)
$35 (Door Price)
*A current background check is required for Pastors and Leaders
Payment and registration are completed separately. Once registered please make your payment by pressing the button below and picking "Empower Youth Rally 2024" from the drop down menu.
Youth Pastors: FREE*
Youth Leaders: $10*
Youth (ages 12-18):
$25 (Before April 15)
$30 (April 15 - May 16)
$35 (Door Price)
*A current background check is required for Pastors and Leaders
Select " Empower Youth Rally 2024" from the dropdown